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// This file is available in electronic form at
#ifndef __SUNPOS_H
#define __SUNPOS_H
// Declaration of some constants
#define pi 3.14159265358979323846
#define twopi (2*pi)
#define rad (pi/180)
#define dEarthMeanRadius 6371.01 // In km
#define dAstronomicalUnit 149597890 // In km
struct cTime
int iYear;
int iMonth;
int iDay;
double dHours;
double dMinutes;
double dSeconds;
struct cLocation
double dLongitude;
double dLatitude;
struct cSunCoordinates
double dZenithAngle;
double dAzimuth;
void sunpos(cTime udtTime, cLocation udtLocation, cSunCoordinates *udtSunCoordinates);