#include #include #include #include #include #include //https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time #include #include //IMPORTANT: Specify your WIFI settings: //#define WIFI_SSID "NOS-3B26" //#define WIFI_PASS "RMKSX2GL" #define WIFI_SSID "MEO-AA9030" #define WIFI_PASS "81070ce635" //IMPORTANT: Uncomment this line if you want to enable MQTT (and fill correct MQTT_ values below): //#define ENABLE_MQTT #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT //NOTE 1: if you want to change what is pushed via MQTT - edit function: pushBatteryDataToMqtt. //NOTE 2: MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT is where battery will push MQTT topics. For example "soc" will be pushed to: "home/grid_battery/soc" #define MQTT_SERVER "" #define MQTT_PORT 1883 #define MQTT_USER "" #define MQTT_PASSWORD "" #define MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "home/grid_battery/" //this is where mqtt data will be pushed #define MQTT_PUSH_FREQ_SEC 2 //maximum mqtt update frequency in seconds #include WiFiClient espClient; PubSubClient mqttClient(espClient); #endif //ENABLE_MQTT char g_szRecvBuff[7000]; IPAddress thisip; ESP8266WebServer server(80); SimpleTimer timer; circular_log<7000> g_log; bool ntpTimeReceived = false; int g_baudRate = 0; void Log(const char* msg) { g_log.Log(msg); } ///////////////////////////////// void goWiFi(){ // connect to WiFi WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.persistent(false); //our credentials are hardcoded, so we don't need ESP saving those each boot (will save on flash wear) WiFi.hostname("PylonBattery"); Serial.println(); Serial.print("connecting to "); Serial.println(WIFI_SSID); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println(""); for(int i=1; i<=3; i++){ LedBlink(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LedBlink(){ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(150); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // high = off delay(150); } ////////////////////// void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);//high is off // connect to WiFi goWiFi(); // // original wifi code // WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // WiFi.persistent(false); //our credentialss are hardcoded, so we don't need ESP saving those each boot (will save on flash wear) // WiFi.hostname("PylonBattery"); // WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); // // for(int ix=0; ix<10; ix++) // { // if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) // { // break; // } // // delay(1000); // } // Serial.println(""); // Serial.println("WiFi connected"); // Serial.println("IP address: "); // thisip = WiFi.localIP(); // Serial.println( thisip ); ArduinoOTA.setHostname("AndrePylon"); ArduinoOTA.begin(); server.on("/", handleRoot); server.on("/log", handleLog); server.on("/req", handleReq); server.on("/jsonOut", handleJsonOut); server.on("/reboot", [](){ ESP.restart(); }); server.begin(); syncTime(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqttClient.setServer(MQTT_SERVER, MQTT_PORT); #endif Log("Boot event"); } void handleLog() { server.send(200, "text/html", g_log.c_str()); } void switchBaud(int newRate) { if(g_baudRate == newRate) { return; } if(g_baudRate != 0) { Serial.flush(); delay(20); Serial.end(); delay(20); } char szMsg[50]; snprintf(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg)-1, "New baud: %d", newRate); Log(szMsg); Serial.begin(newRate); g_baudRate = newRate; delay(20); } void waitForSerial() { for(int ix=0; ix<150;ix++) { if(Serial.available()) break; delay(10); } } int readFromSerial() { memset(g_szRecvBuff, 0, sizeof(g_szRecvBuff)); int recvBuffLen = 0; bool foundTerminator = true; waitForSerial(); while(Serial.available()) { char szResponse[256] = ""; const int readNow = Serial.readBytesUntil('>', szResponse, sizeof(szResponse)-1); //all commands terminate with "$$\r\n\rpylon>" (no new line at the end) if(readNow > 0 && szResponse[0] != '\0') { if(readNow + recvBuffLen + 1 >= (int)(sizeof(g_szRecvBuff))) { Log("WARNING: Read too much data on the console!"); break; } strcat(g_szRecvBuff, szResponse); recvBuffLen += readNow; if(strstr(g_szRecvBuff, "$$\r\n\rpylon")) { strcat(g_szRecvBuff, ">"); //readBytesUntil will skip this, so re-add foundTerminator = true; break; //found end of the string } if(strstr(g_szRecvBuff, "Press [Enter] to be continued,other key to exit")) { //we need to send new line character so battery continues the output Serial.write("\r"); } waitForSerial(); } } if(recvBuffLen > 0 ) { if(foundTerminator == false) { Log("Failed to find pylon> terminator"); } } return recvBuffLen; } bool readFromSerialAndSendResponse() { const int recvBuffLen = readFromSerial(); if(recvBuffLen > 0) { server.sendContent(g_szRecvBuff); return true; } return false; } bool sendCommandAndReadSerialResponse(const char* pszCommand) { switchBaud(115200); if(pszCommand[0] != '\0') { Serial.write(pszCommand); } Serial.write("\n"); const int recvBuffLen = readFromSerial(); if(recvBuffLen > 0) { return true; } //wake up console and try again: wakeUpConsole(); if(pszCommand[0] != '\0') { Serial.write(pszCommand); } Serial.write("\n"); return readFromSerial() > 0; } void handleReq() { bool respOK; if(server.hasArg("code") == false) { respOK = sendCommandAndReadSerialResponse(""); } else { respOK = sendCommandAndReadSerialResponse(server.arg("code").c_str()); } if(respOK) { server.send(200, "text/plain", g_szRecvBuff); } else { server.send(500, "text/plain", "????"); } } void handleJsonOut() { if(sendCommandAndReadSerialResponse("pwr") == false) { server.send(500, "text/plain", "Failed to get response to 'pwr' command"); return; } parsePwrResponse(g_szRecvBuff); prepareJsonOutput(g_szRecvBuff, sizeof(g_szRecvBuff)); server.send(200, "application/json", g_szRecvBuff); } void handleRoot() { unsigned long days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0; unsigned long val = os_getCurrentTimeSec(); days = val / (3600*24); val -= days * (3600*24); hours = val / 3600; val -= hours * 3600; minutes = val / 60; val -= minutes*60; static char szTmp[2500] = ""; snprintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)-1, "Garage Battery
Time GMT: %d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d (%s)
Uptime: %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d

free heap: %u
Wifi RSSI: %d
Wifi SSID: %s", year(), month(), day(), hour(), minute(), second(), "GMT", (int)days, (int)hours, (int)minutes, (int)val, ESP.getFreeHeap(), WiFi.RSSI(), WiFi.SSID().c_str()); strncat(szTmp, "
Runtime log
", sizeof(szTmp)-1); strncat(szTmp, "
Power | Help | Event Log | Time", sizeof(szTmp)-1); strncat(szTmp, "", sizeof(szTmp)-1); server.send(200, "text/html", szTmp); } unsigned long os_getCurrentTimeSec() { static unsigned int wrapCnt = 0; static unsigned long lastVal = 0; unsigned long currentVal = millis(); if(currentVal < lastVal) { wrapCnt++; } lastVal = currentVal; unsigned long seconds = currentVal/1000; //millis will wrap each 50 days, as we are interested only in seconds, let's keep the wrap counter return (wrapCnt*4294967) + seconds; } void syncTime() { //get time from NTP time_t currentTimeGMT = getNtpTime(); if(currentTimeGMT) { ntpTimeReceived = true; setTime(currentTimeGMT); } else { timer.setTimeout(5000, syncTime); //try again in 5 seconds } } void wakeUpConsole() { switchBaud(1200); //byte wakeUpBuff[] = {0x7E, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31, 0x34, 0x36, 0x38, 0x32, 0x43, 0x30, 0x30, 0x34, 0x38, 0x35, 0x32, 0x30, 0x46, 0x43, 0x43, 0x33, 0x0D}; //Serial.write(wakeUpBuff, sizeof(wakeUpBuff)); Serial.write("~20014682C0048520FCC3\r"); delay(1000); byte newLineBuff[] = {0x0E, 0x0A}; switchBaud(115200); for(int ix=0; ix<10; ix++) { Serial.write(newLineBuff, sizeof(newLineBuff)); delay(1000); if(Serial.available()) { while(Serial.available()) { Serial.read(); } break; } } } #define MAX_PYLON_BATTERIES 8 struct pylonBattery { bool isPresent; long soc; //Coulomb in % long voltage; //in mW long current; //in mA, negative value is discharge long tempr; //temp of case or BMS? long cellTempLow; long cellTempHigh; long cellVoltLow; long cellVoltHigh; char baseState[9]; //Charge | Dischg | Idle char voltageState[9]; //Normal char currentState[9]; //Normal char tempState[9]; //Normal char time[20]; //2019-06-08 04:00:29 char b_v_st[9]; //Normal (battery voltage?) char b_t_st[9]; //Normal (battery temperature?) bool isCharging() const { return strcmp(baseState, "Charge") == 0; } bool isDischarging() const { return strcmp(baseState, "Dischg") == 0; } bool isIdle() const { return strcmp(baseState, "Idle") == 0; } bool isBalancing() const { return strcmp(baseState, "Balance") == 0; } bool isNormal() const { if(isCharging() == false && isDischarging() == false && isIdle() == false && isBalancing() == false) { return false; //base state looks wrong! } return strcmp(voltageState, "Normal") == 0 && strcmp(currentState, "Normal") == 0 && strcmp(tempState, "Normal") == 0 && strcmp(b_v_st, "Normal") == 0 && strcmp(b_t_st, "Normal") == 0 ; } }; struct batteryStack { int batteryCount; int soc; //in %, if charging: average SOC, otherwise: lowest SOC int temp; //in mC, if highest temp is > 15C, this will show the highest temp, otherwise the lowest long currentDC; //mAh current going in or out of the battery long avgVoltage; //in mV char baseState[9]; //Charge | Dischg | Idle | Balance | Alarm! pylonBattery batts[MAX_PYLON_BATTERIES]; bool isNormal() const { for(int ix=0; ix 1000) { return (long)(powerDC*1.06); } else if(powerDC > 600) { return (long)(powerDC*1.1); } else { return (long)(powerDC*1.13); } } } }; batteryStack g_stack; long extractInt(const char* pStr, int pos) { return atol(pStr+pos); } void extractStr(const char* pStr, int pos, char* strOut, int strOutSize) { strOut[strOutSize-1] = '\0'; strncpy(strOut, pStr+pos, strOutSize-1); strOutSize--; //trim right while(strOutSize > 0) { if(isspace(strOut[strOutSize-1])) { strOut[strOutSize-1] = '\0'; } else { break; } strOutSize--; } } /* Output has mixed \r and \r\n pwr @ Power Volt Curr Tempr Tlow Thigh Vlow Vhigh Base.St Volt.St Curr.St Temp.St Coulomb Time B.V.St B.T.St 1 49735 -1440 22000 19000 19000 3315 3317 Dischg Normal Normal Normal 93% 2019-06-08 04:00:30 Normal Normal .... 8 - - - - - - - Absent - - - - - - - Command completed successfully $$ pylon */ bool parsePwrResponse(const char* pStr) { if(strstr(pStr, "Command completed successfully") == NULL) { return false; } int chargeCnt = 0; int dischargeCnt = 0; int idleCnt = 0; int alarmCnt = 0; int socAvg = 0; int socLow = 0; int tempHigh = 0; int tempLow = 0; memset(&g_stack, 0, sizeof(g_stack)); for(int ix=0; ix g_stack.batts[ix].soc){socLow = g_stack.batts[ix].soc;} if(tempHigh < g_stack.batts[ix].cellTempHigh){tempHigh = g_stack.batts[ix].cellTempHigh;} if(tempLow > g_stack.batts[ix].cellTempLow){tempLow = g_stack.batts[ix].cellTempLow;} } } } //now update stack state: g_stack.avgVoltage /= g_stack.batteryCount; g_stack.soc = socLow; if(tempHigh > 15000) //15C { g_stack.temp = tempHigh; //in the summer we highlight the warmest cell } else { g_stack.temp = tempLow; //in the winter we focus on coldest cell } if(alarmCnt > 0) { strcpy(g_stack.baseState, "Alarm!"); } else if(chargeCnt == g_stack.batteryCount) { strcpy(g_stack.baseState, "Charge"); g_stack.soc = (int)(socAvg / g_stack.batteryCount); } else if(dischargeCnt == g_stack.batteryCount) { strcpy(g_stack.baseState, "Dischg"); } else if(idleCnt == g_stack.batteryCount) { strcpy(g_stack.baseState, "Idle"); } else { strcpy(g_stack.baseState, "Balance"); } return true; } void prepareJsonOutput(char* pBuff, int buffSize) { memset(pBuff, 0, buffSize); snprintf(pBuff, buffSize-1, "{\"soc\": %d, \"temp\": %d, \"currentDC\": %ld, \"avgVoltage\": %ld, \"baseState\": \"%s\", \"batteryCount\": %d, \"powerDC\": %ld, \"estPowerAC\": %ld, \"isNormal\": %s}", g_stack.soc, g_stack.temp, g_stack.currentDC, g_stack.avgVoltage, g_stack.baseState, g_stack.batteryCount, g_stack.getPowerDC(), g_stack.getEstPowerAc(), g_stack.isNormal() ? "true" : "false"); } void loop() { #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqttLoop(); #endif ArduinoOTA.handle(); server.handleClient(); timer.run(); //if there are bytes availbe on serial here - it's unexpected //when we send a command to battery, we read whole response //if we get anything here anyways - we will log it int bytesAv = Serial.available(); if(bytesAv > 0) { if(bytesAv > 63) { bytesAv = 63; } char buff[64+4] = "RCV:"; if(Serial.readBytes(buff+4, bytesAv) > 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(5); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);//high is off Log(buff); } } } #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT #define ABS_DIFF(a, b) (a > b ? a-b : b-a) void mqtt_publish_f(const char* topic, float newValue, float oldValue, float minDiff, bool force) { char szTmp[16] = ""; snprintf(szTmp, 15, "%.2f", newValue); if(force || ABS_DIFF(newValue, oldValue) > minDiff) { mqttClient.publish(topic, szTmp, false); } } void mqtt_publish_i(const char* topic, int newValue, int oldValue, int minDiff, bool force) { char szTmp[16] = ""; snprintf(szTmp, 15, "%d", newValue); if(force || ABS_DIFF(newValue, oldValue) > minDiff) { mqttClient.publish(topic, szTmp, false); } } void mqtt_publish_s(const char* topic, const char* newValue, const char* oldValue, bool force) { if(force || strcmp(newValue, oldValue) != 0) { mqttClient.publish(topic, newValue, false); } } void pushBatteryDataToMqtt(const batteryStack& lastSentData, bool forceUpdate /* if true - we will send all data regardless if it's the same */) { mqtt_publish_f(MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "soc", g_stack.soc, lastSentData.soc, 0, forceUpdate); mqtt_publish_f(MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "temp", (float)g_stack.temp/1000.0, (float)lastSentData.temp/1000.0, 0, forceUpdate); mqtt_publish_i(MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "estPowerAC", g_stack.getEstPowerAc(), lastSentData.getEstPowerAc(), 10, forceUpdate); mqtt_publish_i(MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "battery_count",g_stack.batteryCount, lastSentData.batteryCount, 0, forceUpdate); mqtt_publish_s(MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "base_state", g_stack.baseState, lastSentData.baseState , forceUpdate); mqtt_publish_i(MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "is_normal", g_stack.isNormal() ? 1:0, lastSentData.isNormal() ? 1:0, 0, forceUpdate); } void mqttLoop() { //if we have problems with connecting to mqtt server, we will attempt to re-estabish connection each 1minute (not more than that) static unsigned long g_lastConnectionAttempt = 0; //first: let's make sure we are connected to mqtt const char* topicLastWill = MQTT_TOPIC_ROOT "availability"; if (!mqttClient.connected() && (g_lastConnectionAttempt == 0 || os_getCurrentTimeSec() - g_lastConnectionAttempt > 60)) { if(mqttClient.connect("GarageBattery", MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASSWORD, topicLastWill, 1, true, "offline")) { Log("Connected to MQTT server: " MQTT_SERVER); mqttClient.publish(topicLastWill, "online", true); } else { Log("Failed to connect to MQTT server."); } g_lastConnectionAttempt = os_getCurrentTimeSec(); } //next: read data from battery and send via MQTT (but only once per MQTT_PUSH_FREQ_SEC seconds) static unsigned long g_lastDataSent = 0; if(mqttClient.connected() && os_getCurrentTimeSec() - g_lastDataSent > MQTT_PUSH_FREQ_SEC && sendCommandAndReadSerialResponse("pwr") == true) { static batteryStack lastSentData; //this is the last state we sent to MQTT, used to prevent sending the same data over and over again static unsigned int callCnt = 0; parsePwrResponse(g_szRecvBuff); bool forceUpdate = (callCnt % 20 == 0); //push all the data every 20th call pushBatteryDataToMqtt(lastSentData, forceUpdate); callCnt++; g_lastDataSent = os_getCurrentTimeSec(); memcpy(&lastSentData, &g_stack, sizeof(batteryStack)); } mqttClient.loop(); } #endif //ENABLE_MQTT